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Kids Melatonin, Fear Conditioning, Plant-Based Diet, PCOS, Eczema & Learning, and More

Published 2 months ago • 5 min read

Good afternoon Nikkola Newsletterers!

Holy moly. This newsletter is LOADED with new studies and news, all from the past week. I hope that you use it to be more informed and empowered, not to get discouraged or frustrated.

Especially because today is International Happiness Day. Whatever is going on in your life, good or bad, I hope you take some time today to find some joy. And i you can't find some joy, start with gratitude. When you're grateful, it's easier to find joy. And happiness.

Oh, and to celebrate International Happiness Day, Amare is offering a two-day, 20% off sale for new members. So grab a Happy Juice Supplement Pack for 20% off in honor of International Happiness Day! Tap here to get it.

Enjoy this week's carefully curated newsletter!

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📖 From THE Blog

Kids Melatonin Safety: Important Considerations for Parents. In recent years, sales of melatonin supplements have skyrocketed as adults and children struggle with sleep like never before. However, melatonin supplements aren’t necessarily safe or effective for improving quality sleep, especially when used long-term. In fact, they do pose some risks, especially for kids. Reports of inconsistent dosage, improperly labeled ingredients, and potential overdose have added to the uncertainty surrounding melatonin use in children. Keep reading...

Conditioned to Fear in the Home of the Brave (I wrote this 4 years ago. Seems like it's time to reread it). On Sunday, October 30, 1938, Orson Welles presented War of the Worlds as a prime-time radio show. Though the show was introduced as a fictional story, many listeners missed the introduction and tuned in to hear that Martians had landed, killed 7000 National Guardsman, and were attacking cities like New York, Chicago, and St. Louis. About one million Americans believed the story was real. They went searching for gas masks, evacuated some large cities, and thought the end of the world was at hand. Keep reading...

Plant-Based Diets, Depression, and Anxiety. The effort to convert people to plant-based diets is nothing new, but the effort to move people from eating meat to going vegan continues to gain traction. There are some who wholeheartedly believe a plant-based diet is better for your health than one that includes animal proteins. But those leading the anti-meat agenda likely have goals in mind that aren’t really about your health. If you could build muscle, maximize bone density, minimize excess body fat, and boost cognitive function by removing meat from an otherwise healthy diet, I’d be the first to jump on board. However, scientific evidence fails to support any of these benefits. Keep reading...

🧠 Mental Fitness

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome may lead to faster cognitive decline. Over 900 women were followed for 30 years, starting at ages 18-30. Those who developed PCOS performed 11% lower on tests of memory and thinking at the end of the study. Insulin resistance is a common issue in those with PCOS, and insulin resistance is associated with cognitive decline, so the PCOS-cognitive connection make sense. Fortunately, with the right diet and exercise plan, PCOS can be well-managed.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) may lead to learning and memory difficulties in kids. I wouldn't go so far as to say that eczema causes cognitive problems, though. Eczema is a symptom of something gone awry in the gut microbiome, so that's where the problem lies. Fix the gut, fix the skin, improve their brain function.

🏋️‍♂️ Physical Fitness

Testosterone therapy improves insulin resistance. Even after they've done everything right with diet and exercise, testosterone therapy may be a necessity in some men. Not only does it help with cognitive function, libido, and maintenance of muscle and bone, but a new study shows it also improves insulin sensitivity, which means it can reduce the risk of type II diabetes. It should never be used as a "first-line therapy," but when diet, exercise, and supplementation don't move the testosterone numbers enough, hormone therapy is a viable option.


Creatine supplementation helps those with Chronic Kidney Disease. Hemodialysis wreaks havoc on muscle mass and strength. Unfortunately, those with CKD must limit their protein and amino acid intake, which makes it even more difficult to preserve muscle mass. A new study shows that creatine monohydrate can help preserve muscle mass and strength without aggravating existing kidney disease. That's good news for the roughly 4 million people being treated for CKD.

Soy protein might be okay for building muscle after all. Opinions swirl about whether soy protein is good or not. I've generally avoided it because of the concerns surrounding its effects on sex hormones, but a new review shows that soy protein is quite effective at stimulating muscle growth after exercise, and its effects on hormones are not as black and white as we might have believed. That doesn't mean I'm going to use or recommend it in place of whey protein, but in a pinch, like if you're ever stuck in a small town and the only place to eat is a vegan restaurant, going for soy protein might not be all that bad.

Amino acids may speed recovery after a concussion. Is there any area of the body where amino acids don't help you heal? It doesn't seem like it. Research now shows that supplementing with branched-chain amino acids can speed up recovery after a concussion. Participants in the study took doses as high as 54 grams, which is about nine times the amount in a typical BCAA supplement.

Intermittent fasting might increase the risk of cardiovascular death. I've been a strong proponent of intermittent fasting for years now. But a new study might have me rethinking it, especially for those with higher risks of cardiovascular disease. New research shows that those who restrict their eating time to an 8-hour window have a 91% increased risk of cardiovascular death. The study couldn't explain why this would be the case. It only showed

Microplastics could be a major factor in higher heart disease rates. Research shows that people with microplastics in their arteries were 4.5 times more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or die in the following 34 months. This is a relatively new "Pandora's box." I believe that once people start looking at how common microplastics are in our water and food supply, it'll quickly lead to necessary changes in food production and water filtration.

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The difference between mainstream media stories and the truth. If you've followed me for any length of time, you know I'm about finding the truth and not following along with propaganda or popular opinion only because it's popular.

Though my main focus is on health and fitness, I'm also passionate about our country and culture. This election year, that's more true than ever because there's so much at stake.

Over the past couple of days, two stories made headlines about what Donald Trump supposedly said at his rallies. The headlines and the truth were two different things. I've included them both below so that if you, or someone you know, fall for what Mainstream Media is selling, you'll be prepared with the facts instead of their fiction. This isn't about promoting Trump, it's about ensuring we know the truth before making decisions.

The Trump "bloodbath" narrative.

What Trump actually said (he was referring to the impact of Chinese car manufacturing plants in Mexico):

The Trump "migrants are animals" narrative.

What Trump actually said (he was referring to the criminals being dropped off just outside our border):

Food Additive in Pizza, Pancakes Linked to Lower Sperm Counts (Chrildren's Health Defense). An ingredient commonly found in many baked goods and processed foods — including school lunches — may cause oxidative stress, DNA damage and decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts in male mammals, according to Dr. Naomi Wolf. In a March 7 Substack article and video, Wolf highlighted the widespread use of sodium aluminum phosphate in everyday food products, from pancake mixes and baking powders to processed cheeses and frozen pizzas. Keep reading...

In faith, fitness, and fortitude,
Tom Nikkola, CSCS

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Good afternoon Nikkola Newsletterers! And Happy Easter! I hope that you find time to enjoy with friends or family this holiday weekend. And if you're a Christian, like me, I hope you're able to spend time in praise and worship for what Christ did for all who believe. He is risen! Enjoy this week's carefully curated newsletter! 📖 From THE Blog Natural SSRI Alternatives for ADHD Support. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms...

about 2 months ago • 5 min read

Good afternoon Nikkola Newsletterers! We're on vacation this week in Florida. For the reasons I wrote about in this article, I'm limiting my use of sunglasses. You might want to try doing the same if you're going on vacation this spring. We're visiting some friends who've had some incredible results from their Amare products, so that's fun to talk about. They're also "bangers" (a new term I learned) in Pickle Ball. We'll play a lot of that while we're here, though Vanessa and I are well below...

2 months ago • 6 min read

Good afternoon Nikkola Newsletterers! Last week, I asked about what you're struggling with the most. I know sleep is a common concern for people, but I wasn't expecting that it would be the top issue of all. Though it wasn't overwhelmingly dominant, it still took the top spot. I think there's a lot more I could write on the topic to give you guidance and encouragement, so I'll focus more on strategies to improve your sleep with some of my upcoming blog posts. Clearly, there's a need for help...

2 months ago • 4 min read
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